White paper "The micropump with intrinsic sensor technology"

Discover the potential of future technology! Find out how the renowned Fraunhofer Institute EMFT for Electronic Microsystems and Solid State Technologies has developed a groundbreaking self-sensing technology that sets new standards in combination with our proven and market-leading piezo micropump. Find out how this innovative solution enables precise monitoring and control and opens up revolutionary applications in the fields of medicine, chemistry and more. Get ready for the future of micropumps – download now for free!

Contents of the white paper

  • Challenges of micropump-based dosing
  • Basics and functional principle
  • State of the art
  • Solution approach intrinsic sensor technology
  • Theory of electromechanical coupling
  • Concept of micropump monitoring
  • Technology and performance data piezo micropump and fields of application
  • Outlook for microdosing systems

Expand your knowledge and test the possibilities of the new self-sensing concept for your applications.